08/07/2011 - 00:02
Fotos antigas mostram negros vivendo em zoológicos humanos

A história conta, mas muita gente sequer imagina que um dia negros, índios e esquimós foram tratados literalmente como animais.
A partir de 1935, a Europa começou a receber zoológicos humanos. Neles, pessoas brancas observavam negros, índios e esquimós em cativeiro. Confira as imagens.

Até o início do século XX, os africanos foram mantidos em zoos em Antuérpia, Basileia, Berlim e Londres. Andavam com trajes típicos e eram obrigados a levar um estilo de vida tradicional: plantando, fazendo esteiras e cozinhando.
Apesar de terem acabado durante a II Guerra Mundial, os zoológicos humanos foram responsáveis pela morte de vários negros em cativeiro.
Africans in European zoos.
Only in 1935/36 in Europe were closed the last cells with blacks in zoos - in Basle and Turin. Before this time white people willingly looked at blacks in captivity (as well as at the Indians and Eskimos).
Already in the XVI century Africans were brought to Europe as exotic, much like the animals of the new open land - chimpanzees, llamas and parrots. But until the XIX century blacks lived primarily in the courts of rich people, illiterate commoners could not see them even in books.
That all changed in the modern era - when the majority of Europeans do not only learned to read, but was emancipated to the point that they that has requested the same comfort that the bourgeoisie and the aristocracy had.In 1880s the zoos have become filled with exotic animals from the coloniesand also with negroes - eugenics ranked them as the simplest representatives of the fauna.
(Zoo Basel, 1930, the Somalis as the exposure)
The only excuse for the Europeans can be the fact that many whites up to the early twentieth century really did not understand the difference between the black man and the apes. It's well known that Bismarck onse came to look at the African in Berlin Zoo who has been placed in a cage with a gorilla: Bismarck really asked to show him where in fact a human in this cage.
(The Emperor of Germany Wilhelm II examines the blacks at the zoo in Hamburg, 1909)
By the early twentieth century Africans were kept in zoos in Basel and Berlin, Antwerp and London, and even in Russia Warsaw.Most often zoo keeper placed in the cells so-called "Ethnographic village", when in the cages were placed several black families. They walked there in the national costumes and led a traditional lifestyle - digging somethiing with a help of primitive tools, woving mats, cooking on a fire.
Usually Africans didn't leave a long under the European winters. For example, it is known that in the zoo in Hamburg from 1908 to 1912 died in captivity 27 blacks.
Africans were even in the zoos of the USA.Pygmies were placed into captivity there - American scientists believed that they were anthropoid apes standing on the lower level than the "usual" blacks.
In fairness we should mention that in the zoos at that time contained not only the Africans but other primitive peoples : Polynesians, Canadian Inuit, Indians of Surinam (Dutch exhibition in Amsterdam in 1883), the Indians of Patagonia (in Dresden). And in East Prussia in 1920s in captivity in the ethnographic village were contained Balts who had to represent "the ancient Prussians," and to perform their rituals forf the audience.
Historian Kurt Yonasson explains the disappearance of the human zoo is not only by the dissemination of ideas of equality among nations,but by the Great Depression of 1929, when the common people didn't have money to attend such exhibitions.
Last edited by Born in the USSR; 07-01-2011 at 04:41 AM.http://redstomp.org/forums/showthread.php?1517-Africans-in-European-zoos.&p=4834
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