sábado, 2 de maio de 2009

Briga entre evangélica e umbandista vai parar na delegacia

Confusão entre patroa e empregada doméstica foi na segunda (27).Doméstica é acusada de lesão corporal e roubo, entre outros crimes.

Uma empregada doméstica, evangélica, está sendo acusada pela patroa, umbandista, de lesão corporal, roubo, cárcere privado e tentativa de incêndio. Segundo o delegado Antônio Ricardo Nunes, da 24ª DP (Piedade), as duas brigaram na casa da patroa na segunda-feira (27), que fica em Piedade, no subúrbio do Rio.

De acordo com o delegado, a vítima disse na delegacia que a empregada teria ficado nervosa quando viu a patroa pendurando roupas no varal, pois aquilo seria um trabalho dela. Na ocasião, a acusada teria dito ainda que sabia que seria demitida, já que tinha “recebido uma mensagem de Deus”.
As duas começaram a discutir e brigar. Segundo o registro feito na delegacia, durante a discussão, a empregada teria ofendido a patroa chamando ela de “macumbeira safada”. A acusada teria usado uma tesoura para agredir a vítima, e ainda teria tentado botar fogo em algumas roupas.

A patroa disse na delegacia que ficou presa em um quarto, mas conseguiu sair da casa com a chegada de seu genro. Segundo o delegado, a mulher está com hematomas e cortes nas mãos. Segundo ele, a empregada doméstica foi encontrada em Nova Iguaçu, na Baixada Fluminense, e vai prestar depoimento na delegacia.

Do G1, no Rio . 30/04/09 - 16h35 - Atualizado em 30/04/09 - 16h35

[Ant-Bra] Vaga Admin: Latin America Program Coordinator - Univ.

University of North Texas
Denton, TX
Admin - International Programs
Full Time
Department Overview:UNT International is a multi-faceted department which maintains six constituent units to serve UNT students, faculty and staff in all departments, working cooperatively with all departments to develop international activity and exchanges with universities around the world. UNT International supports the university's international mission to promote teaching, research and creative activities, partnerships and service. Job Summary: The Latin America Program Coordinator will help build UNT-International's focus in Latin America with special emphasis in Mexico. The coordinator will build and maintain relationships with universities, agencies, industry and former students in Latin America. The Latin America Program Coordinator will work with the Assistant Vice-Provost on development, coordination, and administration of programs and activities that serve faculty, students, and academic student service units in support of the university's international education mission. Job Description: * Staying informed and up to date on information and trends in international education as they relate to the fiscal and administrative management of the unit and to UNT policies and procedures. * Coordinating and implementing programs and events of the center; organizing and hosting visits of distinguished visitors/scholars. * Planning and implementing conferences, symposiums, meetings, banquets, etc. * Writing funding proposals for the Center for Mexico-US Partnerships.* Assisting with programming and resource development activities.* Traveling off-campus and abroad to fulfill business responsibilities, as required, as part of regular duties.* Directing, planning, and implementing programs and educational, social, cultural and recreational activities. * Counseling individuals and student groups. * Informing immediate supervisor of the general status of student services programs and any unique problem developments. * Supervises student workers and graduate assistants.Minimum Qualifications:Master's degree in college student affairs, counseling, higher education or closely related field and two years experience working with college students or community groups in an advisory, administrative, or educational capacity; or a Bachelor's degree and three years of related experience; if necessary for position, valid Texas driver's license with good driving record; or any equivalent combination of experience, education, and training. Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: * Extensive knowledge of special student programs and activities related to assigned area. * Spanish language fluency.* Thorough knowledge of University rules and policies related to the area of responsibility. * Marked ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing with students, faculty, and staff. * Ability to deal tactfully with students, individually and in group situations. * Excellent organizational and supervisory skills. * Knowledge of safety and security precautions appropriate to work performed. Preferred Qualifications: * Prior international living or learning experience in Latin American countries.* Skilled in organization of conferences, seminars, and training programs.* Understanding of Hispanic culture.* Good interpersonal skills.* Ability to work on teams.* Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines.* Solid knowledge and use of Microsoft Office, Outlook and internet research.* Superior English language writing skills.* Funding proposal development experience.* Available to travel and to work evening and weekend events.Special Instructions to Applicants: Please provide a writing sample written in Spanish. (i.e. Thank you letter to the head of a Latin American organization)
Application Information
Human Resources DepartmentUniversity of North Texas
Online App. Form: